Policy governance sq

In this section of FAIRWAYiS we examine the coherence and consistency of EU directives and policies on how they apply to farm water management in order to realize objectives from farm scale to national scale and EU scale and how to overcome possible shortcomings. We

  • analyse the coherence and consistency of EU and national policies;
  • make a comparative assessment of governance arrangements in the case studies;
  • identify examples of lack of coherence and possible legal spillover effects;
  • identify cost-efficient and coherent management models to develop legitimate governance arrangements.

Note: The extensive information given here is complete scientific results of the FAIRWAY project, as presented in the project deliverables. Deliverables are being written and added to the website throughout the period of the project, until it ends in November 2021. The availablility of and access to the scientific results is indicated in the introductions to each section

 Public access 
 Restricted access  (for project partners only, to allow authors time to publish their results)


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