In this section of FAIRWAYiS we review, adapt, demonstrate and evaluate decision support tools (DSTs) for advice, training and communication in order to inform mitigation and establish common awareness for diffuse pollution of vulnerable drinking water resources among farmers and water suppliers. In relation specifically to national legislation we:
- review of existing decision support tools used by farmers, farm advisors and water managers in water, nutrient and pesticide management;
- evaluate a selection of decision support tools and measures in FAIRWAY case study sites at farm, catchment and regional scale;
- assess costs and benefits of the selected tools for farmers, water companies and society;
- develop a decision-support framework for advice, training and communication strategies to establish common awareness for diffuse pollution of vulnerable drinking water resources among farmers;
- develop a mobile app to provide guidance on the application, disposal and environmental risks associated with different pesticides in drinking water catchments.
Survey and review of existing decision support tools [D5.1] Public access
Evaluation of decision support tools [D5.2] Public access
Assessments of costs and benefits using decision support tools [D5.3] Public access
Decision support tool framework [D5.4, D5.7] Public access
SprayDay: mobile app for infrequent pesticide users [D5.5] Public access